Best Health Benefits of Avocado Fruits for Man and Woman

  Today we share with you health benefits of Avocado. Avocado is a full of vitamins fruits in the Central Mexico region and you find more than 4000 different type of avocado in USA and Latin America. Avocado oil is high in vitamin E and unsaturated fats and contains more protein than any other fruit and more potassium than a banana. Mostly people have not too much idea about what are health benefits of this fruits and they always confuse that should they include this fruits in their daily diet or not. So I hope after reading this article, you will must include Avocado in your daily diet. Avocado is good for your brain and it is one the best food for your brain.


The folate in avocado contributes to preventing the formation of brain tangles that are considered a factor for Alzheimer’s. Avocado is rich source of omega-3 which is essential for brain. Avocado is best source of folic acid which is highly required to pregnant female. So if you are pregnant female and you are feeling weakness then Avocado is best source of folic acid. For eye sight improvement, Avocado is very good fruits. Avocado contains the carotenoid leutein, an antioxidant that specializes with protecting the eyes from oxidative stress damage leading to poor vision, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals, and contains many natural oils that are incredibly beneficial to your healthy, hair, and skin.

Avocado is also good for blood pressure patients. It is better to take one avocado daily rather to take 3 or 4 bananas because avocado is rich in omega-3.Avacado fruits is full of Fiber ,Potassium ,Vitamin E ,B-vitamins and Folic acid . Avocado is full of Nutrients and enzymes which reduce inflammation in the stomach and small intestine’s mucous lining. Avocados are rich with vitamin A which helps to remove dead skin cells from your body. Avocados can help lower your cholesterol. The avocado has various uses as a natural cosmetic and it is very good for skin care. Avocado is used in many cosmetic products. It has advantages in rapid skin penetration, and as a superior natural sunscreen. Avocado oil is used in many cooking recipes which gives you good taste and good health benefits. Avocado oil is meek, delicate flavor, which enhances and brings out the flavor of other foods, instead of dominating them such as olive oil and other oils. It is observed in research that People who eat a daily dose of avocado are typically healthier than those who are not taking avocado daily. Avocado fruits are rich in Potassium and Potassium is important because it regulates blood pressure. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids where it helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure, countering bad effects of sodium. Avocado and avocado oil contribute to healthy and bright skin. Avocado oil is an effective natural sunscreen that causes no side effect.


Avocado is high in oleic acid. Oleic acid has been shown in studies to help prevent breast cancer. Avocados are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants found in the retina that keep eyes healthy so avocado is best to improve your eye-sight. They also may help prevent age-related problems, like cataracts and macular degeneration. So it is highly recommend you to take an avocado daily in your diet and must include avocado oil in your recipes. So these are most important health benefits of American fruits.this is best fruits to control your blood pressure and eye sight improvements.Avocado is equally good for men and woman and specially pregnant woman should take one avocado in her daily diet to overcome the iron deficiency.

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